
I'm Halcyon, the one carving out this quaint corner of the internet. Well met! It's here in the Egress that I'll be putting just about anything that crosses my mind, whether it's day-to-day occurences in my life, to my own original content, to thoughts on various pieces of media. With all I've got going on, I'll do my best to maintain this place while learning HTML as I go. My interests are varied and eclectic, but in general I enjoy games, writing, and talking about games and writing! I'm also dabbling in cooking, sewing, gardening, and drawing as more "hands on" hobbies, but I'm a super novice in all these things and have a lot to learn. It's a good thing I enjoy learning.

As far as more specific fandoms and such, in no paricular order, I'm big on Fate (of the Stay/Night sort), Fromsoft titles (I haven't gotten around to Sekiro yet), Fire Emblem, Arknights, the Xeno series (primarily -blade, but I mean to play -gears and -saga eventually), and Blizzard's big three of Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo, despite that company's best attempts at torpedo'ing those franchises.

In general, though I do enjoy being a hater and railing against bad art, ultimately I try to love things more than I hate. We're only on this planet for a few violent decades at most, so I try to see the best in everything, especially when it comes to creative efforts. Whether something is "good" or "bad" is secondary to how much I enjoy something. And to me, there's little more beautiful than learning why other people enjoy things. Consider that an open invitation to talk to me about your favorite hobbies or media, so we may share in the joy of loving art.